How to Remove "Forgot your password / userid" and "Register" Links from Identity Portal Login Page
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How to Remove "Forgot your password / userid" and "Register" Links from Identity Portal Login Page


Article ID: 144631


Updated On:


CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


How do we remove the "Reset your password", "Forgot your userid" and "Register" links from the Identity Portal User Login Page (/sigma/app/index#/login) ?




Release : 14.2, 14.3

Component : Identity Suite, Identity Portal


Please login to IP Admin UI and do the following steps.

1. Select BRANDING
2. On the top-left there is a key icon. Select it to customize login page.
3. On the left frame, select Link and click the [+ Add attribute] button and select "display". If "display" is not in the list then select "other" and add "display" CSS Attribute Name.

4. Set 'none' as value of 'display' attribute. And click [Save] button.

Additional Information

Someone may need hide the links "Forgot your userid?" and "Register" and keep only visible "Forgot your password". But there is no out of the box branding style to hide some of the links on the Login page. In Custom Branding there is no way to hide only some of the links. Since all the links are associated with the same style in the single section, can only hide all the links or display all the links.