After a re-installation of the Spectrum Report Manager database, SRM is not pulling in the archive data.
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After a re-installation of the Spectrum Report Manager database, SRM is not pulling in the archive data.


Article ID: 144575


Updated On:


CA eHealth CA Spectrum


After a re-installation of the Spectrum Report Manager database, SRM is not pulling in the archive data.


Release : 10.3.x, 10.4.x

Component : Spectrum Reporting


When the SRM system is installed and landscapes are set to be monitored, by default, it will only pull in the new data that is archived from each landscape. If you would like to pull in the historical data from the Archive Manager databases you will need to initialize the database using the initHist option. The commands to achieve this can be found below.

1. Stop the Spectrum tomcat service.

2. Run the following commands:

cd <SPECROOT>/bin

./ root root -initHist 45 -all

3. Start Spectrum tomcat service.

SRM will now pull in the last 45 days of stored data from each Archive Manager.