Reports produced on View® ---- with time zone on z/OS LPAR are set to mainframe date/time zone.
Viewing same reports with OM Web Viewer, Web Viewer uses the date/time zone settings from the user's PC.
On View®; if reports for the last 16 hours (for example) are requested - it will show reports created within last 16 hours.
If the same criteria is used on Web Viewer - it will show reports created in last 16 hours - based on time zone of the local PC
If the View® mainframe LPAR is set to different time zone from the users PC, then the results will differ from View® query.
Is there a fix for this?
The possible difference is dependent on the choice of date filtering.
If the "From nnn days" from there is used, there could be a situation where the PC time could cause the requested day to be different, if there are enough hours different from the mainframe View® being queried.
If the "Between and" filter is used, that will dictate what reports are returned from View® explicitly by those dates as defined in View®.
Since Web Viewer has no way of knowing the time difference between the user and the mainframe system where any particular View® resides, there is no way the time difference can be converted to change the date range being requested, therefore using the "From" option will always use the current day on the PC for the query.