PUT FAILED message trying to open Object from Object tree
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PUT FAILED message trying to open Object from Object tree


Article ID: 144551


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Several Objects, like CA 1 Volumes Object, can't be opened. Click on the Volumes object in the Object tree results in a gray object window and message box with message "PUT FAILED" pops up.


Release : 14.0

Component : CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager


The objects failed to open because of the following messages in the Vantage STC log:
VKG0110E Internal Error - Module OBJCCATR Function PUTALL - Rc= 64
VAN1558E Object=VISTMCS was not created because the auxiliary page space limit of 62% was hit


Vantage stops creating objects, if the auxiliary page space limit of 62% is reached to prevent using up all availabe page space.
Issue D ASM command and verify current auxiliary space usage and add new Page Data sets if necessary.