Is it possible to run Client Tools from the command line?
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Is it possible to run Client Tools from the command line?


Article ID: 144511


Updated On: 10-06-2022


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Identity Suite


Client Tools is used for auditing user permissions, is it possible to schedule or run these reports from a command line or other external calls? 



Component : Identity Governance Client Tools


At this time there is no external interface with the Client Tools. 

The audit reports from Client Tools are meant to be a spot check on permissions. There is no scheduling of the reports, and they cannot be called from a command line.  They can only be invoked from the Client Tools interface. 

Additional Information

This could be submitted as an enhancement for consideration in a future release.

To submit an enhancement; please submit a new 'Idea' to the Broadcom product communities in the Ideation area:

Click 'Add' button on the right side of the page, Provide a Title, and detail regarding the requested enhancement to the software, including business requirements, screenshots if and where relevant.   Select Symantec Identity Management from the Categories list and submit.