PDSMAN Dynamic SVCs; Which ones are used and how? Where is the documentation?
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PDSMAN Dynamic SVCs; Which ones are used and how? Where is the documentation?


Article ID: 144498


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PDSMAN SVCs are dynamic. Looking for the documentation about which SVCs are used and for what functions. Cannot locate this information in any of the manuals provided.


z/OS any level
CA PDSMAN release 7.7 and above


Not that this information is proprietary but since the SVCs are dynamically loaded there is no manual intervention required or expected so it is not an installation or  product administration function.
Various features of PDSMAN require intercepting SVCs.                    
 BLDL -  is intercepted to  support Last Ref Date Recording, Access  Audit Trail, Member Security, Performance increases by reducing I/O to pds directories.                  SVC18                            
 STOW - is intercepted to  support Control Information Recording, Update Audit Trail, Member Security, Minus Versions, Journaling
 Link, Attach, Load, XCTL are intercepted to support dynamic frontending of programs (as defined by the rules $IEBCOPY and $UTILITY). This enables:         
           enabling a protective ENQ when enabling LPA usage monitoring                            
                - Replacing IEBCOPY                                    
                - monitoring/preventing pds updates by IEBCOPY (IEBCOPY
                  does not use STOW)      
         SVC42, SVC6, SVC7, SVC8        

ESR (LOADX)     - Extended Load   -  SVC122 Function 9                    

From the PDSM Administration Guide 

Full deactivation removes PDSMAN intercepts by restoring SVC table entries to 
their former contents and frees all common storage occupied by PDSMAN, other 
than approximately 12K of SQA, which is reused upon the next PDSMAN initialization.

There should be no problem with shutting down PDSMAN.                 
When PDSMAN is restarted it will try to get the same hooks,           
if the previous hooks were changed, PDSMAN will logically disable the 
hooks and get new hooks.  

Additional Information

PDSMAN Administration Guide 