Applies to any PAM version as of August 2022.
PuTTY can be added to PAM as a TCP/UDP Service.
To do so, fill up the fields in the TCP/UDP service definition window with the following information. Use a different service name if desired, and a local IP that doesn't conflict with other services. The client application string assumes that the 32-bit version of PuTTY is installed. Change the path to the putty executable as needed.
Service Name: _PuTTY SSH
Local IP:
Port(s): 22:*
Protocol: TCP
Enable: <selected>
Application Protocol: SSH
Client Application: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -ssh <user>@<Local IP> <First Port> -loghost <Device Name>
(the 'Comment' field contains the full command for readability, as the 'Client Application' field is not showing the full contents):
PAM TCP/UDP services using the SSH protocol allow for text-based session recording.
For checking the command line parameters for PuTTY please visit: