How to drop and rebuild the Spectrum Report Manager database without performing a re-installation?
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How to drop and rebuild the Spectrum Report Manager database without performing a re-installation?


Article ID: 144466


Updated On: 06-14-2024


DX NetOps


Due to the size or data integrity of the Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) database it may be necessary to recreate the database from scratch without performing a new installation.


Release : All

Component : Spectrum Reporting


NOTE: In the following commands where it requires to enter the password for root:

Please follow the following steps in order to complete this process:

1. Login to the command line of the Report Manager system as the Spectrum install owner.

2. Login to the reporting database via mysql using the following commands:

cd <SPECROOT>/mysql/bin

./mysql -uroot -p<PASSWD> reporting -A                                                                (Windows)
./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -p<PASSWD> reporting -A          (Linux)


./mysql --defaults-file=../my-spectrum.cnf -uroot -pPASSWD reporting -A

3. Run the following commands in mysql:

select * from registry\G           (Copy the "ServersList" field and store it in a safe place)
drop database reporting;
create database reporting;

4. Stop and restart the Spectrum Tomcat service. This restart will re-create the database.



5. Log back into MySQL using the same commands in step 2 above and run the following:

update registry set ServersList = '[Values from Step 3]';


update registry set ServersList = '[server_0314]';

6. Stop the Spectrum Tomcat service again.


7. Run the following commands to initialize the database and pull in the data from all Archive Managers for the last 45 days.

cd <SPECROOT>/bin

./ root <PASSWD> -initHist 45 -all

8. Start the Spectrum Tomcat service.
