How can you generate a thread dump from TDM Portal?
Test Data Manager
TDM Portal
Please follow the below steps to take thread dump on the same machine where TDM portal is installed:
1. Open command prompt.
2. You will need the Process ID of the Java process; execute the below command to get the process ID:
netstat -ano | findStr "PORT NUMBER"
e.g. netstat -ano | findStr "8080"
PORT NUMBER: on which TDM portal is executing
3. Use jcmd tool of JDK and process ID to generate thread dump:
jcmd <PROCESS ID> Thread.print > <PATH TO FILE>
e.g. jcmd 28680 Thread.print > C:\ThreadDump\dump.txt
4. Share this dump.txt file with support.
Note: This will only work if JDK is available on the machine where TDM Portal is installed.