Netmaster region shows a few or many of these messages on startup
SD4301I Checking MODS entities from MOD@$W3 are at NMTI5392 level for PTF SO0
SD4302E Missing maintenance SO09324 detected for element MOD@$$$
SD4303I MOD@$$$ last update NMTI5383, expected NMS2293
SD4302E Missing maintenance SO06597 detected for element MOD@$AM
SD4303I MOD@$AM last update INSTALL, expected NMS2250
SD4306E Missing maintenance SO06597 detected for element PAN@$AM in PANLDIS
SD4307I PAN@$AM last update INSTALL , expected NMS2250
SD4302E Missing maintenance SO09623 detected for element MOD@$FA
SD4303I MOD@$FA last update INSTALL, expected NMTI5445
SD4305I VSAM Check completed. 24 errors detected
Release : 12.2
Component : CA NetMaster Suite
Mismatch between SMP/E applied maintenance and runtime VSAM files in region
There are two options.
The process for doing so is described in the Apply Maintenance for VSAM and RAMDB section of the NETMASTER® SHARED CONTENT LIBRARY 12.2.
Similarly, to verify whether there is a discrepancy between VSAM and the runtime libraries, $$SYSPRO was enhanced to track this as well, as you can read in the New Features in the Incremental Release section of the NETMASTER® NETWORK MANAGEMENT FOR TCP/IP 12.2 documentation:
VSAM Update Tracking
$$SYSPRO has been updated to provide VSAM maintenance checking. $$SYSPRO VSAM verifies that VSAM files have been updated by the NMVIP job as recommended in the PTF HOLDDATA.
This enhancement is supplied via PTF SO04199.