Planning for DevTest Re-Hosting from Windows 2016 to Windows 2019
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Planning for DevTest Re-Hosting from Windows 2016 to Windows 2019


Article ID: 144318


Updated On:


Service Virtualization


We are going to be re-hosting our DevTest instance from Windows 2016 server to a Windows 2019 Server.

Can you give us some guidance on the re-hosting?


All supported DevTest releases.




Make sure you shut down all the DevTest components on the Windows 2016 first.

All you have to do is install DevTest on your Windows 2019 server and then copy all the files from your DevTest on the Windows 2016 to the DevTest folder on the Windows 2019 server.

You will not even have to configure anything.  The DevTest on Windows 2019 will still connect to your existing databases.  But if going to new databases you will and to change the, and files to point to the new databases.

Make sure you have all the needed ports open on the Windows 2019 machine.

Then start all the DevTest components on the Windows 2019 server.

After everything comes up on the Windows 2019 machine, uninstall DevTest on the Windows 2016 machine.

Then after the re-hosting is done, make sure you give all the users the new machine name for when they are connecting their Workstations to the new machine Registry and for the Portal as well.

Additional Information

These steps would apply to any re-hosting of DevTest from one server to another.