Getting the below errors for connecting QMGRs. There are no errors at MQ side and the MQ queue permissions are also good. We tried these two things. However, the errors are still the same.
1st: increased the delayed time to 400 sec
2nd: trace.polling.interval = 200000 ms
1/23/20 10:01:08 AM EST [ERROR] [com.wily.powerpack.websphereMQ.agent.MQMonitor.TracerDriverThread] MQMonitor: For configuration instance I010@10.x.1x.x and the drivers(channelinitiator) an error occured in sending query to MQ. The target MQ (10.x.x.x:1417) may be down. Reason code 2033 MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE
All Supported Releases.
The 2033 error appears because of a couple of these reasons:
1. The command server may be down. If it is down, then the PCF commands that we send to query the MQ will not work and 2033 error will be thrown in the logs. Please tell the customer to check if the command server is up for the queue manager. Run dspmqcsv <qmgr_name> and see for more details
2. There may be too many objects for the MQMonitor to process. In such cases, it throws 2033 error. Check regarding the number of QMs, queues, and channels that the MQMonitor is trying to monitor. Try running the MQMonitor with the queues having problem.
3. If any of the queues is full, then a 2033 error will be thrown.