Configure Trend View CSV Export table output in Performance Management
Article ID: 144267
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CA Infrastructure ManagementCA Performance Management - Usage and AdministrationDX NetOps
Is it possible to create report that will present the data in multiple columns tablular format?
Performance Management Trend reports with multiple metrics exported to CSV formats create a single table for each metric in the export. This is the default behavior.
The behavior can be modified to provide a single table with each metric included, side by side.
All supported Performance Management releases
Default behavior doesn't provide the report format end users prefer.
The change involved requires connection to the PC MySql netqosportal database. We will enter the database via MySql prompt and run a command to change the value for an attribute in the general table.
To make this change complete the following steps:
As the root user or install owner go to the (default path) /opt/CA/MySql/bin directory. Run the command:
./mysql -uroot -p netqosportal
When prompted enter the secure MySql password created during installation
This query can be run to check the current value set:
select * from general where attribute like 'CSV%';
This command is run to change the value from default false to true:
update general set value='true' where attribute='CSV.Multiple.Trend.Output';
Reuse the command from step 2 to verify change is set properly.
Allow a few minutes for the change to propagate in the system. Launch a fresh UI browser tab for PM and test a CSV export to confirm the change provides what is sought. If it doesn't simple reset the value back to false.
Additional Information
NOTE: This applies to Trend Views only. No other View will be affected by this change.