The following error was found in the Spectrum Tomcat log file:
(http-nio-8080-exec-22) (NetqosSyncLog) - (ERROR) - pushRequest failed:
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2173368368"
A similar error is shown in the NetOps Portal log file \CA\Performance\DM\wrapper-*.log:
Spectrum and PM all versions
2173368368 is an invalid UNIX_TIMESTAMP in the NetOps Portal netqosportal Database
Run the following script to gather the NetOps Portal documentation:
Open the netqosportal.sql file and find the "2173368368" in order to know the table name, example:
LOCK TABLES `dst_domain` WRITE;
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dst_domain` DISABLE KEYS */;
INSERT INTO `dst_domain` VALUES (3,'2','ip',3,1,1579647225,2173368368,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `dst_domain` ENABLE KEYS */;
In this case the table is "dst_domain"
Then follow these steps to update the changedon row:
# mysql -u<user> -p<password> netqosportal
mysql> select from_unixtime(changedon) from dst_domain;
mysql> update dst_domain set changedon=UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
mysql> select from_unixtime(changedon) from dst_domain;