Impact of MS LDAP changes on Harvest Integration
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Impact of MS LDAP changes on Harvest Integration


Article ID: 144215


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CA Harvest Software Change Manager CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


Microsoft has come up with a new LDAP Signing/Binding recommendation from Dec 2019: 2020, 2023, and 2024 LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing requirements for Windows (KB4520412)

The customer is wondering if their current Harvest integration with LDAP will break if they were to implement the above mechanisms and if there is a need for re-certification or a hotfix from our end


CA Harvest SCM v13.0.3 and up


1) Engineering verified at this time there is no impact when the mode chosen is SSL.  The port used by SSL is 636
2) If the LDAP mode chosen is none and the port used is 389, then it will be impacted, and when these switches are used, it will ask for a stronger authentication

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