unable to configure API portal with external smtp server using tls
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unable to configure API portal with external smtp server using tls


Article ID: 144179


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CA API Developer Portal


When trying to integrate  portal 4.3.x with an external smtp server on port 25 (anonymously) but using secured tunnel tls via the portal browser UI under "email configuration" page .

We import the crt certficate file of the smtp server but it fails during the initial configuration.  please note that when we configure it without  tls but simple non encrypted way it works. 

portal_portal-data.qkxxm5czredwy6suf7wutr2qk.55p2byo4nm99hpaz92bnnynsy 2019-10-03 07:23:57 UTC  at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.startTLS(SMTPTransport.java:2064) ~[notify-server-!/:na]

portal_portal-data.qkxxm5czredwy6suf7wutr2qk.55p2byo4nm99hpaz92bnnynsy 2019-10-03 07:23:57 UTC  at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(SMTPTransport.java:724) ~[notify-server-!/:na]

portal_portal-data.qkxxm5czredwy6suf7wutr2qk.55p2byo4nm99hpaz92bnnynsy 2019-10-03 07:23:57 UTC  at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.startTLS(SMTPTransport.java:2059) ~[notify-server-!/:na]

portal_portal-data.qkxxm5czredwy6suf7wutr2qk.55p2byo4nm99hpaz92bnnynsy 2019-10-03 07:23:57 UTC com.ca.apim.notify.exception.NotificationServerConnectionException: Error connecting to Notification Server smtp://xxx.xx.xx.xx:25




release : 4.3.1

Component : API PORTAL


Using the certificate and tls require the connection to be defined with the hostname and not the ip address , name resolution needs to be working.

If you can not add it to the mail server name and ip to the dns server , you can try to add it to the containers host file.

Unfortunately adding it to the servers hosts which runs docker  does not work as docker does not use this one when using swarm .

You can add a entry to the docker containers host file as workaround .
Use the following command
docker service update portal_portal-data --host-add hostname:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

This will update the portal_data containers local host file ,

it will restart the container .

after this you can define the smtp conection using the Ui .