CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)Autosys Workload Automation
Autosys can be configured to send SNMP Traps to your SNMP Manager (SNMP Communities)
This document provides some tips on what to look for, in case those traps are not being seen on the SNMP manager
Workload Automation AutoSys
Potential causes for this are:
- An incorrect value in the SNMP parameters - AutoSys services have not been refreshed since implementing the SNMP parameters - A communication issue between the AutoSysScheduler and the SNMP server host/port. - The SNMP viewer being used needs to be configured to display the AutoSys SNMP Traps
Make sure the SnmpManagerHosts and SnmpCommunity parameters are set to the correct values in $AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV.
Make sure either Scheduler is restarted one time or have send a kill -HUP <pid> signal to the event_demon process to ensure the Scheduler picks up the SNMP configuration changes.
When AutoSys is correctly configured to send SNMP traps, a message similar to the following is seen in the $AUTOUSER/event_demon.$AUTOSERV log file when is restarts or is refreshed with a kill -HUP pid :
This is the only message that gets logged in AE. If the above is seen see, then it is more likely an issue with communication over the network or the configuration of the SNMP manager/viewer which is not displaying the messages or catching them. Note: With ISDBGACTIV=LIGHT,COMM tracing enabled, some additional info can be seen, though not very detailed