Unable to run iDash CLI commands
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Unable to run iDash CLI commands


Article ID: 144142


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iDash Workload Automation iDash Workload Automation for CA 7


Example: running idflags.exe
Outcome: java help menu with full options available
Normally we should get an idflags error if idflags.exe had no options specified.


Run CLI commands from

• On UNIX/Linux:

• On Windows:

Explanation: When running CLI commands from another folder, we are not using the AdoptOpenJDK JRE 1.8.x (64-bit) bundled with the iDash CLI, instead, we are using system's Java which can be done after editing needed scripts but its not recommended by iDash support.

NOTE: JRE 1.8 (64-bit) bundled with the CLI may be found in:
• On UNIX/Linux:

• On Windows: