"Error 500" or "undefined" occurs when accessing a document after the Clarity server was upgraded /migrated/ refreshed
Error 500 - Internal Server Error. The server could not retrieve the document due to server-configuration or other technical problems. Contact your site administrator.
In Modern UX the error is thrown as "undefined"
These errors are thrown in the app-ca.log.
ERROR 2020-01-14 20:46:25,962 [http-nio-14001-exec-3] pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder (clarity:<LOGGED IN USER EMAIL>:zzzzzzzzz:union.viewODFFile) File "7231455" not found in path "$clarity/files/filestore/clarity/Files/231/007"
WARN 2020-01-14 20:46:25,963 [http-nio-14001-exec-3] pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder (clarity:<LOGGED IN USER EMAIL>:zzzzzzzzzzzzz:union.viewODFFile) Exception reading document
java.lang.Exception: Could not retrieve file from file store.
at com.niku.union.web.pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder.readBinaryFile(FilePageBuilder.java:302)
The error is because clarity is not able to find the file store
Troubleshooting suggestions:
If no issues are found based on troubleshooting notes above, or the errors in the logs match the one described in the description of the KB, run a reindex:
Commands to run:
Note: This can happen if the database refresh is performed without file store