Undefined error in MUX
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Undefined error in MUX


Article ID: 144124


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


"Error 500" or "undefined"  occurs when accessing a document after the Clarity server was upgraded /migrated/ refreshed

Error 500 - Internal Server Error. The server could not retrieve the document due to server-configuration or other technical problems. Contact your site administrator.

In Modern UX the error is thrown as "undefined


These errors are thrown in the app-ca.log.

ERROR 2020-01-14 20:46:25,962 [http-nio-14001-exec-3] pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder (clarity:<LOGGED IN USER EMAIL>:zzzzzzzzz:union.viewODFFile) File "7231455" not found in path "$clarity/files/filestore/clarity/Files/231/007"
WARN  2020-01-14 20:46:25,963 [http-nio-14001-exec-3] pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder (clarity:<LOGGED IN USER EMAIL>:zzzzzzzzzzzzz:union.viewODFFile) Exception reading document
java.lang.Exception: Could not retrieve file from file store.
at com.niku.union.web.pagebuilder.FilePageBuilder.readBinaryFile(FilePageBuilder.java:302)


The error is because clarity is not able to find the file store 


Troubleshooting suggestions: 

  1. Check to see if the general "Search" works for retrieving documents
  2. Confirm that the File Store Repository has been moved correctly
  3. Compare the File Store Repository between a working Production server and the Development server for any differences
  4. Review the app-ca.logs for any issues found related to the path

If no issues are found based on troubleshooting notes above, or the errors in the logs match the one described in the description of the KB, run a reindex:

Commands to run:

  • admin search recreate-index-data
  • admin search recreate-index-files

Additional Information

Note: This can happen if the database refresh is performed without file store