When we install DevTest x.x.x Server on UNIX Server, the installation gets completed.
But when we look into home directory of the installation folder, _lisa.properties file is missing and also vseDeploy folder has created a folder null_0. As per our understanding it created VSE_2013 under vseDeploy
Is it expected behavior ?
All supported DevTest versions
Component : CA Service Virtualization
You will not ever see a _lisa,properties file in the DEVTEST_HOME folder, only a lisa.properties file.
Any file with an _ in front of it is a template for that properties file.
Below is what we deliver for templates:
If you need to configure one and/or more, you would copy the _ file to the file name without the underscore.
The folder null_0 under the DEVTEST_HOME is normal to be created.
VSE_2013 folder will get created when you start the VSE.