Modify Cisco Nexus models to enable Syslog Filtering subview
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Modify Cisco Nexus models to enable Syslog Filtering subview


Article ID: 144068


Updated On:


CA eHealth CA Spectrum DX NetOps


We have several Cisco models in our Spectrum environment - some 7k models, some 9k models, etc. In many cases there is no "Sylog Filtering" subview to allow us to filter out unwanted Syslog messages. 


Release : 10.3

Component : Spectrum Core / SpectroSERVER


The Syslog Filtering subview is built off the CiscSysLogApp model which gets created on model discovery/initial creation. Typically Spectrum is looking at data in CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB for Syslog info required to build the CiscoSysLogApp model for that device. However for nexus devices, Cisco is placing the Syslog info into CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB - thus Spectrum is unable to create the necessary CiscSysLogApp model for Syslog Filtering. 


Cisco Nexus models have been resubmitted for Certification to enable Syslog Filtering in future versions of Spectrum. In the meantime, you can enable this feature with a workaround in Model Type Editor. 

Summary of the workaround:

- Using Model Type Editor, modify the CiscSysLogApp model so that it can read values from both CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB (clogHistFacility 0x210aaa) and CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB (cseSyslogLogfileName 0x2129b1)
- Modify "view-vdc-details-config.xml" to enable the Syslog Filter subview on Nexus model types
- Re-Discover the Nexus devices to enable these features (required step) 

NOTE: Its important to mention that Model Type Editor (MTE) is a powerful customization tool for Spectrum. Care and consideration is a must when using MTE to prevent unwanted changes which can adversely affect Spectrum operation. If you are unsure or not comfortable making changes in MTE, please open a Support case for assistance. 

Steps are as follows: 

1. In order to use MTE, the SpectroSERVER must be stopped, as these changes are being made directly written to the Catalog. 

2. Launch MTE from Spectrum Control Panel:


3. On Navigation Pane > Model Types tab, look for CiscSysLogApp model


4. In Contents pane > Attributes tab on the right, select "attr_to_read" and verify Default Value = "default_attr"


5. Select "default_attr" attribute, and 'Edit'


6. Edit the value of 'Default Value' to = "0" (zero). Click OK to accept changes. 


7. Edit the "default_attr_list" attribute


8. Edit the 'Default Value' list. Add both 210aaa (clogHistFacility) and 2129b1 (cseSyslogLogfileName) attribute handles to the list. Note that you only want to enter the hex value. Once you click Apply, the string value will appear. 


9. Edit the "model_group" attribute and enter the decimal value of the CiscSysLogApp model - 216802


10. Click "OK" to close all dialog, and go to File > Commit to Database to save changes. Close MTE.


11. By now while the SS is still shut down, you can make a backup of the catalog. 

NOTE: If you are running a DSS environment with multiple servers, whether standalone or in Fault Tolerant configurations, all landscape servers must have this new catalog change propagated to each server so they will contain these new changes. For this, you want to run SSdbsave utility to backup the catalog to SSdb file, then use SSdbload to upload that catalog backup into the other servers. SEE STEPS IN "Additional Information" section below. 

12. Once the catalog has been backed up, the server can be started

13. Now that the changes have been committed to the Catalog in order to create the CiscSysLogApp model for Nexus devices, the Syslog Filtering subview must now be added to the "view-vdc-details-config.xml" 

- locate and make a backup of original <SPECROOT>\tomcat\webapps\spectrum\WEB-INF\devman\config\view-vdc-details-config.xml
- edit the XML file and add the following XML tags, highlighted in yellow: 

                <table-subview idref="table-vdc-instance-components" />
    <table-subview idref="table-vdc-global-resource-components" />
    <table-subview idref="table-vdc-pervdc-resource-components" />       
               <field-subview idref="cisco-syslog-messagefilter-subview"/>
               <field-subview idref="cisco-syslog-basic-subview"/>
              <subview-group idref="cisco-syslog-history-subview-group"/>

NOTE:  If you have more than one OneClick server up and running in your Spectrum Environment, then you will want to copy the newly edited "view-vdc-details-config.xml" to the other OneClick servers into the proper directory. 

14. Close any instances of OneClick console, and restart Tomcat service. Now the proper Syslog Filtering subview is available to nexus model types. 

15. Last step - if you have *existing* Nexus models you wish to enable this feature on, the model Will have to be Re-Discovered - this is due to the fact that App models get created on Initial Discovery - they cannot be created by Reconfigure or any other method, so a Fresh Discovery of the Nexus device(s) is required to begin using the Syslog Filtering option. 


Additional Information


Make a backup copy of the Modeling Catalog and upload to another server: 

NOTE: The SS must be shut down for this procedure to work

1. nav to <SPECROOT>/SS directory
2. run ../SS-Tools/SSdbsave -c <Catalog_backup>.SSdb

where "-c" flag determines only the catalog will be backed up and <Catalog_backup> is an arbitrary filename. 

3. copy the <Catalog_backup> into the <SPECROOT>/SS directory of your other DSS Spectroserver(s)
4. nav to <SPECROOT>/SS directory
5. run ../SS-Tools/SSdbload -c <Catalog_backup>.SSdb 

Repeat these steps as necessary for every SS landscape server in your Spectrum environment


Spectrum Guides - Syslog Messaging and Filtering information: