Connection idle too long before handshake in Policy Server smps.log
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Connection idle too long before handshake in Policy Server smps.log


Article ID: 144038


Updated On:


CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER



When running a Policy Server, suddendly the following log lines in the
Policy Server get written in the smps.log :

    Closing accepted connection for session # 786919 connection idle too long before handshake .

and at that time, the Web Agent reporting those errors :

    [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmLowLevelAgent.cpp:557]
    LLA: SiteMinder Agent Api function failed - 'Sm_AgentApi_IsProtectedEx' returned '-2'.

    [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmProtectionManager.cpp:192]
    HLA: Component reported fatal error: 'Low Level Agent'.

    [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmHighLevelAgent.cpp:1037]
    HLA: Component reported fatal error: 'Session Manager'.

    [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmResourceManager.cpp:158]
    HLA: Missing resource data.




  Web Agent 12.52SP1CR09 on IIS 8.5 on Windows 2012R2;
  Policy Server 12.52SP1CR00 on RedHat 6;
  There's a firewall between the Web Agent and the Policy Server;




This is mainly due to third party on the network or some latency on
the network itself bringing communication problem.


  [2426/3991915376][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:06][CServer.cpp:1735]
  Closing accepted connection for session # 786919 connection idle too long before handshake .


  [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmLowLevelAgent.cpp:557]
  LLA: SiteMinder Agent Api function failed - 'Sm_AgentApi_IsProtectedEx' returned '-2'.

  [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmProtectionManager.cpp:192]
  HLA: Component reported fatal error: 'Low Level Agent'.

  [2936/712][Fri Jan 03 2020 14:38:11][CSmHighLevelAgent.cpp:1037]
  HLA: Component reported fatal error: 'Session Manager'.

It seems there have been a problem on the network (including firewall,
loadbalancer, switch, etc. ) (1)(2)(3).




On the Web Agent, set the following parameter in the WebAgent.conf
file (4):


On the Web Agent, set the following environment variable for the Web
Server (5) :


Additional Information



    Error : Agent Api function failed with Web Agent and Load Balance


    Error : Web Agent reports Failover from cluster [0] to cluster [1]


    Error: Sm_AgentApi_IsProtectedEx, Sm_AgentApi_LoginEx in Web Agent log


    AgentWaitTime Explained


    Error : 500 Web Agent and Policy Server Network Communication Problem