Getting Started with the iDash CLI (command-line interface).
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Getting Started with the iDash CLI (command-line interface).


Article ID: 143953


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iDash Workload Automation


The CA Workload Automation iDash Client CLI (CLI) lets authorized users run commands from the command line. With CLI commands, you can perform administrative functions such as managing SLA definitions.


Configuration Prerequisites:


CLI must be enabled on the  iDash Workload Automation instance that the CLI references.

You must be authenticated to run CLI commands.

You must be an authorized user. Certain CLI commands required Admin authorization.

If you are using EEM authorization in iDash and would like to grant CLI authorization privileges for a user ID that does not exist in EEM, you can add the user ID to a dynamic user group in CA EEM. For more information, see Add Users to EEM Dynamic User Groups.


The Linux, Solaris, Sunx86, AIX, zLinux, and Windows CLI packages include a supported version of the JRE. The HP-UX CLI package does not include a JRE. A system administrator must install a supported version of the JRE on these systems.



Create the following directory structure on the client computer for the Client CLI files:

On UNIX/Linux:


On Windows

                  C:Program Files\CA\idash


Copy the iDash Workload Automation Client CLI ZIP or TAR file from the iDash Workload Automation server to the iDash directory on the client computer.


The file is located in the appropriate directory on the iDash Workload Automation server.

 On UNIX/Linux:



On Windows:


Extract the files from the iDash Client CLI ZIP or TAR file on the client computer.


Set the IDASH_HOME environment variable to the IDASH_HOME directory on the client computer that you created 

On UNIX/Linux:


                  export IDASH_HOME

On Windows:

             set IDASH_HOME=C:\Progra~1\CA\idash

             If the directory path for IDASH_HOME contains a space, use the Windows 8.3 format. 

Open the idash.conf file in a text editor. The file is located in the following directory:

On UNIX/Linux:


On Windows:


Add the following line, and save the file:



Before you run CLI commands, use the Admin Tool to configure CLI authentication, and yourself as a user as follows:


  • For details about CLI authentication, see Configure Authentication for the CLI
  • Use of the iDashCLI (command-line interface) requires two levels of authentication. Users who run the commands must have the necessary permissions. In addition,  iDash verifies that the host computer has been added to CLI authentication. Authorized users who log in to an authenticated computer can run CLI commands from the directory that includes the commands.


Run CLI commands from

  • On UNIX/Linux:


  • On Windows:



Accessing a report from the CLI requires the use of the format <domain>\<user>.

When an iDash object, such as a report, is created after logging into the Web UI as an EEM or Active Directory domain user, using the <domain>\<user> format, the owner being used to access that report should be in the same <domain>/<user> format.

To access the report from the CLI as a user that is not the owner of the report, see the following examples:

Windows: When formatting, use only one slash between the domain and user.

  %IDASH_HOME%\bin\idlist -t -n <report_name> -u <domain>\<user>


When formatting, use four slashes between the domain and user.

  $IDASH_HOME/bin/idlist -t -n <report_name> -u <domain>\\\\<user>


List the contents, the 12 CLI commands.


Open a command prompt or terminal window. Navigate to the IDASH_HOME/bin directory. List the contents of the 12 CLI commands.

C:\Program Files\CA\idash\bin>dir

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idarchive.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idaverage.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 iddelete.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idflags.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idgantt.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idgencsv.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idgenhtm.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idgenpdf.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idgenxls.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idjobid.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idlist.exe

05/26/2015 05:29 AM 57,344 idupdate.exe

The following example shows command for the idflags.exe

C:\Program Files\CA\idash\bin>idflags -v 
Verbose, displays the major environment variables and includes other checks which can be used for diagnostics, including system variables, testing iDash and DB connection –primary and secondary-, CLI enabled verification, OS version, iDash server version, CLI version, loading iDash configuration config file and many other checks.