PIM/PAMSC(EP)all: Login failed with grace is 0.
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PIM/PAMSC(EP)all: Login failed with grace is 0.


Article ID: 143947


Updated On: 10-11-2023


CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM) CA Privileged Access Manager - Server Control (PAMSC)


Login failed with 9 at stage code as following:

 21 Jan 2020 00:30:01 D LOGIN adminuser 9 10 PIMServer lsass.exe

It means "the user account has exhausted its grace login attempts.".

So, user disable grace count with following command.

  AC> eu adminuser grace-

But it set again after login.  Why?


Release : all

Component : all Endpoint


grace is set after exceed after interval dates from last password change date(Pwd last change:).

If you only change grace setting, last password change date is not reset. 

So, it set again after login.


Please change password to reset "Pwd last change" and disable grace count with grace-.

also, please set inteval(0) at the user with grace-.