Product enhancements after JCLCheck r12.0 S1607
JCLCheck Workload Automation release 12.0
The following published PTFs added new processing options, and feature enhancements to JCLCheck Workload Automation release 12.0 S1607:
- PTF LU07431 + LU07428:
Add support for SYSVIEW feature "Product PTF Analysis".
- PTF LU03806 + LU01662 + LU01663:
Continuous Delivery level set 12.0.01 for JCLCheck.
- PTF LU08466:
Update the ISPF statistics of the PDS/PDSE members to the date and time of the JCLNeat reformat.
- PTFs LU06615 + LU05618:
Enhancement to SYMNAMES substitution: removes CAY6587I message, and uses a new inserted line in Report 2 that starts with 'SYSNAMES SUBSTITUTION:'.
- PTFs LU04805 + LU04806:
Add options INSTREAM|NOINSTRM to specify if instream procs are allowed in the JCL being processed.
- PTF LU00115:
Add WS include (INC_WS) and exclude (EXC_WS) to TWS Resolve feature.
- PTFs LU01423 + LU01424:
Adds support for the IBM Function Registry for z/OS
- PTF LU03796:
* Adds option to CTLSCAN processing. CTLSCAN(CONCatms) identifies member and dataset name in a DD concatenation in which a 'statement in error' resides.
* REXX interface: Add variable $CA.STMTSTAT which works similarly to DD.DDSTAT but for all JCL statements.
* REXX interface: Add variables for symbolics. New stem variables are: SYM.symname, SYM.OK.symname, SYM.PROC.symname.
New variables are: SYMBOL.COUNT, SYMBOL.NAME.n
- PTFs SO15687 + SO15688:
REXX interface: Expand variable $CA.USERDATA to 64 char for JCLCheck, and 62 char for JCLNeat.
Add new value 'BASE' to variable DD.GDGRGEN if GDG DSN is coded without a generation.
- PTFs SO15107 + SO15108:
REXX interface: Add dataset name to variable STDREXX. Syntax: STDREXX(rexxpgm,ddname,dataset)
- PTFs SO13678 + SO13679:
REXX interface: Add new variable $CA.JCKRC to allow the REXX program to change the termination return code for JCLCheck.
- PTF SO15115:
Adds APF authorized to the JCLCheck REST API
- PTFs SO11636 + SO11637:
Add new runtime option INITUSER. This option allows a user ID to be specified for use by JCLCheck at initialization in situations where the submitting user may not have access to JCL procedure libraries when AUTOPROC is in effect.
- PTF SO10027:
REXX interface for JCLNEAT: New options FMTRAW=Y, CTLONLY=Y, and value 'CLOS' for $CA.RSTYPE
- PTF SO11500:
- PTFs SO09360 + SO09361:
Add XREF suboption SORT 'XREF(SORT)' so produce Report 3 - Data Set Cross Reference Report in data set name order.
- PTF SO09004:
REXX interface for JCLNEAT: New option USERDATA
- PTF SO08779:
With z/OS 2.3 a EMAIL= keyword can be specified instead of USER= on the JOB card. Security systems allow this email to be mapped
to a user id. This PTF calls the security interface to retrieve the user id so that it can be used in JCLCheck's security validation (i.e., runtime option SECURITY). If the JCLCheck runtime option SECURITY is not used, JCLCheck does not call the security product to map the EMAIL parameter. This PTF introduces two new messages:
. CAY6611I EMAIL: 'email@address' SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO USER: 'user id'
. CAY6612W EMAIL: 'email@address' MAP TO USER FAILED.
SRC/RC/RSN: 'cccc/cccc/cccc'
- PTF SO08283:
REXX interface: Add stem variable $CA.EOM to indicate end of member or sequential file, and variable MEMLIMIT to provide the value of MEMLIMIT specified on the JOB and/or EXEC statement.
- PTF SO08274 + SO08275:
REXX interface: Add new $CA.RSTYPE=MISP for statement(s) that get error message CAY6011S MISPLACED STATEMENT.
- PTF SO08034 + SO08135:
REXX interface: Add variable DD.STEPNAME to provide the step name on override an DD statement.
- PTF SO07766 + SO07767:
REXX interface: Add new call to the REXX interface before the JCL is read. This call is identified in the RAW processing routine by a new $CA.RSTYPE= 'OPTS'. This new call is provided so $CA.USERDATA can be evaluated before JCL processing starts.
- PTF SO07522 + SO07523:
REXX interface: Expand USERDATA from 8 to 24 bytes.
- PTF SO06612:
Add new RESPARMS parameter USERSUPP for the Control-M Resolve External Variables feature. When USERSUPP is specified, JCLCheck checks the USER= parameter on the JOB statement, and changes to the caller userid before passing the JCL to Control-M. The original user id will be reset in the JOB statement after Control-M processing completes.
- PTF SO06235 + SO06236:
Add a new cross-reference file to contain references for DSN, PGM, and PROC. Use new runtime options UPDTDD or UPDTDSN to create this file.
- PTF SO05197 + SO05198:
Add new option CNTLOVER to the Remote Validation ChekPlex feature to allow for control card members to be sent to the remote system.
- PTF SO04211 + SO04212:
Add new options LOADOVER and LOADOVDD to specify load libraries to be searched when a module cannot be found in other libraries (STEPLIB, LINKLIST, etc).
- PTF SO01444:
CA JCLCheck will no longer require the libraries containing the DB2 Call Attach Facility routines (programs DSNHLI2 and DSNALI) to be present in the JOBLIB or STEPLIB of the address space in which JCLCheck was invoked. As long as the DB2 job being 'checked' has access to the DSNHLI2 and DSNALI programs, JCLCheck can locate the DB2 Call Attach Facility interface routines, and validate the DB2 job.
- PTF SO01775 + SO01776:
. Add a new option REXXMSG(POPulate) to populate the variables for the statement in error with values that have been processed up to the point the error is issued.
. Add new REXX variable MSG.STMTTYPE which will contain the statement type (JOB, EXEC, etc.) that the message was issued for.
- PTF RO98412:
Adds a field to the EJCK and JCKSPF panels where the STDREXX program is specified to allow for a DDNAME to be used for the REXX library. This allows for the REXX program
to be accessed from a DDNAME other than SYSEXEC. The specified DD must already be allocated to your ISPF session.
-PTF RO98663 + RO98664 + RO98778:
Add a new option CTLSCAN(IDCAMSIM) to simulate IDCAMS return codes and support the IF/ELSE/THEN/END logic in IDCAMS.
- PTF RO96157 + RO96158:
Add support for the REGIONX keyword on JOB and EXEC statements, support for the CRE sub parameter of the RLS keyword on DD statements, and support for RLSSOURCE and RLSTARGET keywords for various IDCAMS verbs.
-PTF RO96120 + RO96121:
Add new options SETPRP/NOSETPRP. SETPRP option indicates that return or condition codes from the IDCAMS SET command are to be propagated to end of step (EOS) or end of job (EOJ), as well as message severity for messages issued by that step or job. NOSETPRP disables the SET return/condition code propagation. The SET command is parsed and validated, but the return/condition code from the SET command is not propagated. The default option is SETPRP.
- PTF RO92202 + RO92203:
Add new keyword NOPGMPAT to the SECURITY option to turn off the Program Pathing function.
- PTF RO91664 + RO91665:
Add support for the INCLUDE statement to the REXX programming interface. Now there's a INCL_PROCESSING routine for INCLUDE card processing logic. A new sample REXX program (CAZ1REXX) is provided, and is stored in the CAZ2CLS0 library.
- PTF RO88315:
Adds the capability to run JCLNeat against JCL that contains Control-M JCL modification variables and commands.
- PTF SO01359:
Enhances MCOSYS and MCOUSR to allow limiting the change to only messages that currently have a certain severity.
Additional information is found in the ++HOLD doc for each PTF.