Spectrum Perfcollector9 Details and Instructions
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Spectrum Perfcollector9 Details and Instructions


Article ID: 143916


Updated On: 11-21-2023


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Perfcollector is a utility used by Broadcom Support and Engineering to help determine potential performance issues with Spectrum.


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core


  1. Two modes of Operation
    a. Distributed mode where it will collect data for all servers in the MLS in this mode it is recommended to run on the MLS.

    b. Single SS connection where it will collect data for a single SS

  2. Considerations when running the script
    a. Time to run: 10 to 15 minutes per server.

    b. CPU: perfCollect9 script will increase CPU usage of the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager through the data collection period of time so it is important to run when the server is not excessively busy.

    c. Memory: No additional memory will be used.

    d. Disk Space: 80 Megs per SpectroSERVER collected.

    e. User: Install user so that the script can create a directory in the Spectrum Install area named Performance

To run:

  1. Open a bash shell on Windows or consol window on Linux or Solaris

  2. cd $SPECROOT/

  3. Run:

  4. The script will print a status of the data collecting and will print finished when the process is complete.

  5. In the $SPECROOT/Performance directory, there will be the results of the data collection. A copy of each piece of data will be left in the directory along with all the information tarred and gzipped up in a file called results.tar.gz

NOTE: Running the script as-is will collect data for all servers in the Spectrum environment. If you only wish to collect on a single SpectroSERVER, declare its hostname when running the script: 

./perfCollector9 <HOSTNAME>

Additional Information

If there are any questions, please ask the support engineer assisting.

Internal Broadcom tools are required to decipher this data.

NOTE - if you need to run perfcollector9 more than once, remove the <specroot>/Performance directory, and it will be recreated with the new run.