OS: z/OS
(1) UFILESと入力して実行します。
SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx -------- MENU, Primary Option Menu ------ 2023/01/10 17:15:5
Option ====> UFILES Scroll *===> PAG
------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 1 Row 1-20/2
Main Services ACTIVE User Interface INACTIVE
Option Command Description
_ 1 MENU OVERVIEW System overview
_ 2 MENU MVS MVS displays
_ 3 MENU JES JES job and output management
_ 4 MENU CICS CICS displays
_ 5 MENU DATACOM CA Datacom displays
_ 6 MENU DB2 Database 2 displays
_ 7 MENU IDMS CA IDMS displays
_ 8 MENU IMS IMS displays
_ 9 MENU JVMLE JVM and LE displays
_ 10 MENU MQ MQ displays
_ 11 MENU NETWORK Network and TCP/IP displays
_ 12 MENU USS UNIX system services displays
_ 13 MENU CAPTURE Event capture and SMF/RMF collection
_ 14 MENU ADMIN SYSVIEW administration
_ 15 MENU SDSF SDSF migration menu
_ 16 MENU PRODUCTS Product integration menu
_ 17 MENU HELP Online help information
_ 18 END Terminate SYSVIEW session
(2) Cmd欄にSを入力して実行します。(DIR_ROOT もしくは DIR_CURR のどちらでも構いません。)
SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx --------- UFILES, USS Open Files -------- 2023/01/10 17:18:25
Command ====> Scroll *===> PAGE
-------------------------------------------------- Lvl 2 Row 1-2/2 Col 1-79/229
Jobname Uuuuu01 ASID 00xx Jobid TSUxxxxx
Cmd Pid Type Access Create Excl Trunc Append Block Ctty
S_______ 020000xx DIR_ROOT
________ . DIR_CURR
********************************* End of Data *********************************
(3) 当該ユーザにマウントされているファイルの情報が表示されます。
SYSVIEW 16.0 Xxxx --- UFILES.DETAIL, USS Open File Detail - 2023/01/10 17:27:05
Command ====> Scroll *===> PAGE
------------------------------------------------------------- Lvl 3 Row 1-36/80
Jobname Uuuuu01 ASID 00xx Jobid TSUxxxxx
Open File Information
File name .
Resolved name /
Path name /
Type DIR_ROOT Directory file (root)
Format NONE File format not specified
Open attributes
Access mode
Size X'00000000 0000xxxx' FD'xxxx' xxxx
Owner X'00000000' F'0'
Group X'00000009' F'9'
Permissions 755
Owner RWX Read, write, search or execute
Group R-X Read, search or execute
Other R-X Read, search or execute
Auditor audit NNN
Read NONE Audit attribute not specified
Write NONE Audit attribute not specified
Search or execute NONE Audit attribute not specified
User audit FFF
Read FAILURE Audit failure
Write FAILURE Audit failure
Search or execute FAILURE Audit failure
Session id X'02000091' F'33554577'
Process group id X'02000091' F'33554577'
Foreground group id X'02000091' F'33554577'
Slow-path syscalls X'00000000' F'0'
OE threads X'0001' H'1'
PTHread created threads X'0000' H'0'
Total threads X'0002' H'2'
********************************* End of Data *********************************
Old Japanese Knowledge document ID: JTEC000865