Endevor SCM Software Change Manager Processor with BSTCOPY marked failed with rc=0000
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Endevor SCM Software Change Manager Processor with BSTCOPY marked failed with rc=0000


Article ID: 143724


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Site was having a move action failed with 'Processor RC 0004', but all steps in the processor completed with RC=0000. This was happening with a specific processor that was used for multiple types.  A BSTCOPY processor step was coded with MAXRC=0 and FOOTPRNT=CREATE. The step completed in processor with RC=0000 . This did not happen under release 17.0 .                                       



Release : 18.0, 18.1

Component : CA Endevor Software Change Manager


. The BSTCOPY was coded with FOOTPRNT=CREATE on input dataset.  The defect was that BSTCOPY was incorrectly reporting RC=0.


The return code of 0 for the BSTCOPY step was being reported incorrectly, instead of a return code of 4. FOOTPRINT=CREATE was incorrectly coded on input dataset. 

The workaround is to either change FOOTPRNT=CREATE on input dataset or set MAXRC=4 on BSTCOPY step. 

The resolution is to apply all available maintenance