Downloading Datacom/AD product files
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Downloading Datacom/AD product files


Article ID: 143696


Updated On:


DATACOM - AD Datacom COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS Scheduler Job Management DISK BACKUP AND RESTORE CA 7 Workload Automation


Several AD using products use Datacom/AD . This article explains how this product can be downloaded from the Broadcom Support Portal.




Datacom/AD comes with the AD using product package.

Often the Datacom/AD product can be found under the 'Additional Downloads' tab for the AD using product instead of the Primary Downloads tab.


  1. Sign in to Broadcom Support portal.
  2. Select Mainframe Software .
  3. Click on My Downloads.
  4. Search for the AD using product like COMMON SERVICES.
  5. Click on the product.
  6. Click on the product title 'Common Services for z/OS' if that product was selected for download.
  7. Click on the Release .
  8. Click on Datacom/AD. If it's not there then click on the 'Additional Downloads' tab.
  9. Download the Datacom/AD SMP/E pax file or zOSMF file.