Open Workbench User Library Error
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Open Workbench User Library Error


Article ID: 143683


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When opening Open Workbench, no views show up and the following error is thrown:


There is no User Library set in the program options and a default User Library cannot be created. Library settings will not be saved until a valid User Library path is set in the program options. 


Release : All Supported Releases



  • This error occurs when there is no User View Library set in Open Workbench under File - Preferences - Locations tab.
  • It may also occur if the user no longer has access to the User View Library that was previously set. 


  1. Sometimes a reboot of the workstation can clear the issue.
  2. A library can be manually set here to point to the default 'Standard_en' library found in this path C:\Program Files (x86)\Open Workbench\views.
  3. If the error continues to occur after setting the default user view library this means that the user has restricted access over the directory where this view library is stored.
    • The Windows administrator can look into either granting full access to this directory or the 'views' folder found on this path can be copied to a directory where the user already has full access, such as the My Documents folder.
    • Once the 'views' folder is copied to another directory, this copied version of the views should be the one used when setting the view libraries under File - Preferences - Locations tab. 
  4. If the above options don't help, a clean uninstall / reinstall of OWB sometimes can also help (see KB: 32378).
    • IMPORTANT: Make sure to save any custom views for OWB prior to doing the uninstall
  5. Try changing the OS language to English, set the Preferences, switch back to the language that was being used.