How to disable/change existing events based on "Polling Safety Valve"
For example in the case where Major alerts are not desired.
Release : 3.7
Component : IM Reporting / Admin / Configuration
These event rules are applied via the Device Polling Statistics Monitoring Profile.
There is no way to remove this, even if it is disassociated from the
Any changes to the rules in this Monitoring Profile via REST other than disabling will
be reverted if the Data Aggregator is restarted.
To disable the rule:
1) Find the rule ID:
Administration->Monitoed Items Management->Monitoring Profiles
Select Device Polling Statistics
Click the "Event Rules" tab
Mouse over the header Rule Name and click the gear
Select Columns and check "EventRuleID"
The rule is "Polling Safety Valve", get the ID form the EvenRuleID column
2) Do a GET using the ID in the Data Aggregator REST interface to confirm once identified:
URL: http://<DA>:8581/rest/eventrules/<ID>
This will display the XML rule configuration.
3) Disable the rule:
URL: http://<DA>:8581/rest/eventrules/<ID>
REST Operation: PUT
Content Type: "application/xml"
<EventRule version="1.0.0">
This would disable the rule.
When you do a get again, you should see
You can then copy the Device Polling Statistics Monitoring profile or create a new one
with the same rule and set the severity differently if needed.