FlatFileConnector not able to find the CSV file
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FlatFileConnector not able to find the CSV file


Article ID: 143569


Updated On: 10-07-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


Trying to acquire a Flat File Connector endpoint gives the following error:


Failed to acquire Endpoint: javax.naming.OperationNotSupportedException: [LDAP: error code 53 - :ETA_E_0003<ADI>, Endpoint 'FlatFileTest' creation failed: Connector Server Add failed: code 53 (UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM): failed to add entry eTDYNDirectoryName=FlatFileTest,eTNamespaceName=FlatFileTest,dc=im,dc=etasa: JCS@testmachine: Warning: Shutdown may be in progress resulting in transient errors. JCS@testmachine: CSV: Unable to access CSV file. Could not determine the last modified timestamp of "file:///C:/User_info_Sample.csv" because it does not exist. (ldaps://x.x.x.x:20411) ]; remaining name 'eTDYNDirectoryName=FlatFileTest,eTNamespaceName=FlatFileTest,dc=im,dc=eta'


The path to the CSV file needs to be valid from the perspective of the Connector Server machine handling the request.