Spectrum installs the "IP Routing Manager" tool.
At system startup after the installation, the following error message may be seen in the REXCON.OUT file:
C:\Spectrum\bin\JavaApps\bin>rexconnector.exe -Xms128m -Xmx256m -Dvbroker.agent.enableLocator=false -Dvbroker.orb.admDir=$SPECROOT/bin/VBNS -Dborland.enterprise.licenseDir=%BES_LIC_DIR% -Dborland.enterprise.licenseDefaultDir=%BES_LIC_DIR% -Djava.endorsed.dirs=$SPECROOT/lib/endorsed -DSPECROOT=%SPECROOT% com.aprisma.spectrum.app.rex.connector.REXConnector
JNI error finding main class.
And this alarm raised:
If IP Routing Manager tool is not used in the environment, is there a way to avoid the installation of this tool when installing Spectrum?
Or can this be disabled after the installation completed?
DX NetOps Spectrum, all supported releases
The REX Connector process related to IP Routing Manager tool is managed by "processd".
If the IP Routing Manager tool (Rex Connector) is not used, there is no need for its process to be running.
This can be disabled in the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM/partlist/REXCON.idb file. Edit the file and comment out "AUTOBOOTSTART" and "AUTORESTART", then save the file and restart processd:
- using Bash shell, navigate to /lib/SDPM
- run processd --stop
- wait few minutes
- run processd --start
You will also need to disable the alarm from generating on event 0x5640003 in the Event Configuration Editor. Set the Alarm to None.