Created tickets are not displayed in Service Point
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Created tickets are not displayed in Service Point


Article ID: 143418


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Catalog CA Service Desk Manager


Just after a ticket is created in Service Point, it is displayed as expected. If a user logs out and logs back into it no ticket is displayed in Service Point, but it is displayed in Service Desk Manager User interface and xFlow Analyst interface.

Every time we make a change in Service Desk it is not shown in Service Point. For example, a new category or a new KB document.
Each time we have to run the pdm_es_rebuild_index.bat in the search server to see the new changes. Even if we schedule the rebuild at night it is unacceptable to wait for the night to apply the changes.
Service Point do not reflect the changes made in Service Desk


Release : 17.x

Component : xFlow / Service Point 


A required option "xflow_installed" has not been installed.


You need to install the option "xflow_installed", restart Service Desk Manager and xFlow Analyst interface services, and run the re-index command for the Search server as per below. If this option is not installed, then the es_ebl Search Daemon process will not run and the data won't be synchronized.

1. Log into Service Desk Manager (SDM) using the Service Desk administrator account and go to 'Options Manager' > 'General'.

2. Open "xflow_installed" option and select "Yes" as Option Value. Click 'Install' button and save it.

3. Restart the Service Desk Manager server service.
4. Restart the xFlow Analyst Interface service. 
5. Ensure that the above 2 services and Service Management Search Server service are up and running. Run re-index (pdm_es_rebuild_index) command located under (Install drive)\Program Files\CA\SC\CASearchServer\search\bin folder.
6. Restart the Service Management Search Server service.

Please notice that sometimes for some reason if the 


is not present in the NX.env file though the option displays installed status, you would need to manually add this line to the NX.env file and restart Service Desk Manager server service.

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