Installation -portal issue
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Installation -portal issue


Article ID: 143395


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CA API Developer Portal


You can install CA API Developer Portal (API Portal) with or without internet access: 
When installing with internet access (online), the images are downloaded from Bintray.
When installing without internet access (offline), the images are packed and require a minimum of 5 GB of disk space to download.

Now if you are trying to do online installation with out internet access than these issues will happen.

Anyway,  another issue may show : 

When I run an error saying that network portal_private was not found when creating the portal_rabbitmq service



Release : 4.3.2 5.X

Component : API PORTAL



This is a docker error. This happens when you try to create a stack when the network is not running yet.


This is a docker error. This happens when you try to create a stack when the network is not running yet. You may be creating the stack to quickly for the machine. This could be a spec issue on the machine its self or a networking issue. I would review your architecture just to make sure it is all to spec.

You may also go with offline installation option described here :