CA Deliver - New Bundle Definition
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CA Deliver - New Bundle Definition


Article ID: 143232


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Deliver View


The client wants to create a new bundle, in CA Deliver, and do the requisite testing.



Release : 14.0

Component : CA Deliver


The client had the following fields, in their bundle definition:

. Late ===>
. Interval ===>
. Wait (Int, Late) ===> ( N , N )

If there is a RMOPARM BNDLINT defined, that value would override a blank "Interval".
With that the above definition would mean:

. No Late time means that the bundle will process once all reports that comprise the bundle have completed.
. No Interval time means use of RMOPARM BNDLINT which defines the interval with which Deliver will create bundles.
. Wait Int of N means that the bundle does need to have an interval expire for it to print, if all of the reports it needs are available for bundling.
. Wait Late of N means that the bundle does need to have an interval expire for it to print at the late time.

In all, this bundle will print fully or partially once its reports are ready.

At the Bundle Definition panel:

. Using command "R" will show the list of reports that are to be defined to the bundle.
. Using command "D", you will be shown the list of Distribution IDs that are to receive the bundle.

Also required is that the Distribution ID, to receive the bundle, needs to have the "Out" field set to Y.