DUAS6: Tasks with Simple Launch Window can't be rescheduled
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DUAS6: Tasks with Simple Launch Window can't be rescheduled


Article ID: 143221


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Upon upgrade from version 5 to version 6, tasks with Simple Launch Window become Multiple Launch Window on version 6.

As a result, Task's  Launch Window  can no longer be modified via the command line "uxupd tsk" as indicated in the documentation:

  • To change a task from multiple launches per day to daily (or vice versa), first execute a command to change the task type (MULT or NOMULT), then execute a second command to define the time(s) (TIME family).

Example of the command that does not return an error, but does not modify the Task's Launch Window on version 6:

uxupd tsk upr=uproc mu=management_unit TIME DALW="(0500,005,00)"




Release : 6.x



Upgrade of version 5 "Simple" Launch Window Task should produce a  "Day dependent"  Launch Window  after upgrade to version 6.


Workaround: use UVC to modify graphically the Task Launch Window


Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.

Fix version(s): 
Component: Univiewer.Management.Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.21 - Released 15th January 2020



Additional Information

In order to have Simple Launch Window Tasks that can have their Launch Window modified via "uxupd tsk" on version 6, please export it from version 5 with the tool "uniexp" and import then with the tool "uniimp" when UVMS /du_upgrade_toolkit has been upgraded to version 6.10.21 or superior.