Where is Broadcom Subscription PLA Information Stored in DevTest?
Where is Broadcom Subscription PLA Information Stored in DevTest?
Article ID: 143104
Updated On: 05-03-2024
Service Virtualization
Where is Broadcom subscription Product License Agreement (PLA) information stored in DevTest?
All supported DevTest releases.
The information is stored in the DEVTEST_HOME/dradis.properties file.
Additional Information
If after installing with a devtestlic.xml file, and you want to start using a PLA, you can activate the PLA from the Enterprise Dashboard on the browser with the below steps:
Click the gear icon and select Data Usage Setting. The Data Usage Setting dialog opens.
Make the desired changes to the following fields:
Company Domain: Customer-provided string to identify the customer domain name, such as example.com. This is not a full email address.
Enterprise Site ID: Customer Enterprise Site ID that is used to access Support. A registered support user can get their Site ID from the Broadcom Support Portal.
Internal Identifier: Customer-provided string to identify an internal group or charge area for the customer's internal use, such as billing back to groups.
To use a proxy for your usage data, select Use a proxy to send usage data and enter a Proxy URI and the associated username and password. Port 443 is used by default for sending usage data. If that port is unavailable, enter a Proxy URI.