How do you assemble and relink the CA Intertest CICS r 11 IN25UEXI?
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How do you assemble and relink the CA Intertest CICS r 11 IN25UEXI?


Article ID: 143102


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InterTest - CICS


A recent CA Intertest CICS fix made an update to an IN25UEXI copybook. The ++HOLD action on the fix requires the default IN25UEXI copybooks to be reassembled and linked to create a new IN25UEXI load module to bring in the latest fix update.

The Intertest CICS program IN25UEXI is called every time an application program branches to another program that is linked in with it - a static call. The IN25UEXI program is nothing more than a table of entry points to different modules for various software packages included in a default IN25UEXI provided with Intertest CICS. These entry points are compared to the code being executed at the address pointed to by register 15. If a match is found, then Intertest CICS will suspend monitoring on the application program, allow the processing to be done after the call to the external software, and resume monitoring when control is returned to the next instruction within the application program. 

Intertest CICS ships with a default IN25UEXI program not to monitor static calls. For example calls to  DB2, CICSPLEX, TCP/IP SOCKETS and CA IDMS are not monitored by Intertest CICS.

Customers can also create custom IN25UEXI copybooks to prevent calls to programs unique to their environment that are not to be monitored by InterTest for CICS. For additional information  on the IN25UEXI program please review the topic Calls to Software and User Macro Support in the Intertest CICS documentation. In the case of custom IN25UEXI copybooks, customers must combine the custom and default IN25UEXI copybooks when they assemble and relink the latest IN25UEXI load module.

Below is JCL that can be used to assemble and link the default IN25UEXI copybooks to create a new IN25UEXI load module. Please add any custom IN25UEXI copybooks to the JCL below.







Below is the sample JCL that can be used to reassemble and link the default IN25UEXI exit module exit for CA Intertest R 11. PDS member HLQ.CABASAMP(IN25UEXI) contains the copy statements for the default IN25UEXI copybooks.
HLQ.CABAMAC contains most of the frequently used UEXI* copybooks. A few seldom used UEXI* copybooks are also in the HLQ.CAVHSAMP.
The below JCL assemble and links the latest IN25UEXI copybooks and replaces the IN25UEXI in the target HLQ.CAVHLOAD.
//             REGION=1024K,
//SYSUT1   DD  DSN=&SYSUT1,SPACE=(1024,(120,120),,,ROUND),UNIT=VIO,
//             DCB=BUFNO=1
//SYSLIN   DD  DSN=&OBJ,SPACE=(3040,(40,40),,,ROUND),UNIT=VIO,
//             DISP=(MOD,PASS),
//             DCB=(BLKSIZE=3040,LRECL=80,RECFM=FBS,BUFNO=1)
//SYSIN    DD  *
           COPY IN25UEXI  
           IN25UEX TYPE=FINAL
//             REGION=512K,
//             PARM='LIST,LET,XREF,MAP'
//         DD  DDNAME=SYSIN
//SYSUT1   DD  DSN=&SYSUT1,SPACE=(1024,(120,120),,,ROUND),UNIT=VIO,
//             DCB=BUFNO=1
//SYSIN   DD  *
      NAME  IN25UEXI(R)