How is the Sysview for Db2 hlq.SOURCE APPLS member is updated during Database Management Post Install process
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How is the Sysview for Db2 hlq.SOURCE APPLS member is updated during Database Management Post Install process


Article ID: 143057


Updated On:


SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


How is the Sysview Performance Management Option for Db2 for z/OS (IDB2) hql.SOURCE APPLS member updated during
Database Management Post Install processing.


The APPLS member is updated by the INSMAIN clist in background during the Post Install tasks, it is not updated by JCL.

Lets look on a Post Install task example step by step:

1) Select option 3 on "DBM Solutions for Db2 for z/OS Post-Install Tailoring" panel

 ---------- DBM Solutions for Db2 for z/OS Post-Install Tailoring -
 Option ===>                                                           
   0  Settings   - Session and environmental options                
   1  Setup      - Create/edit global and product PARMLIB members      
   2  Customize  - Execute product specific customization tasks        
   3  Tasks      - Execute DB2 catalog customization tasks    

1) On "Select DB2 Subsystems" panel select the Db2 ssid for which you want generate the Post Install JCL.
The Db2 ssid selected on this panel will be used later to update the APPLS member.

 ---------------------- Select DB2 Subsystems --------------- Row 1 to 32 of 70
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
 Select DB2 subsystems, then press ENTER                                        
 Line commands: S               to Select to process or see error messages      
 Commands.....: ALLS, ALLU      to Select/Unselect all entries                  
                RESET           to Reset task completion status                 
                SORT SSID|SETUP to Reorder rows                                 
     DB2  DB2                           PTISYS   SETUP    PLANS    DSNAME       
 S   SSID Version    Messages           Member   Member   Member   Member       
 -   ---- ---------- ------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------     
 S   XXXX XXXXXXXXX                     PTISYSxx SETUPxx  PLANSxx  DSNAMExx 

2) Select the IDB2 product on the "Select DB2 Tasks" panel

 ---------------------- Select DB2 Tasks -------------------- Row 1 to 19
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===
 Select tasks to be performed, then press ENTER                          
 Line commands: S to Select, V to View task information                  
 Commands.....: ALLS, ALLU, ALLV to Select all/Unselect all/View all     
 S Product Task Description                                   Member     
 - ------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- 
 S IDB2    CA Sysview for DB2: DB2 Specific Install Tasks   

3) Select tasks on the "Generate JCL For DB2 Tasks" panel.

 ------------------------- Generate JCL For DB2 Tasks --------- Row 1 to 1 o
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> C
 Select tasks, then press ENTER                                             
 Line commands: S          to Select an entry                               
 Commands.....: ALLS ALLU  to Select/Unselect all entries                   
 S Member   DB2 SSID Product  Task Description                              
 - -------- -------- -------- ----------------------------------------------
 S XXXXXXX  XXXXXXXX IDB2     CA Sysview for DB2: DB2 Specific Install Tasks 

4) On the "SYSVIEW for DB2 Customization Parameters Page 1 of 2" panel you could change/specify
the "Location name for data collector use........ ===>", 
That location will be used later to update the APPLS member.

 IDBDB21 ------- CA SYSVIEW for DB2 Customization Parameters Page 1 of 2 ---
 OPTION ===>                                             DB2 SSID ===> XXXX 
 LPAR name where this DB2 subsystem resides.. ===> xxx                    
 Location name for data collector use........ ===> YYYY                    
 DB2 authorization ID for data collector use. ===> xxxxxxxx

5) On the "SYSVIEW for DB2 Customization Parameters Page 2 of 2" press enter. At that moment the APPLS updated by the clist
in background using the Db2 ssid and LOCATION.

6) When you will see the "Process DB2 Tasks" panel, you could go to the hlq.SOURCE library and check that APPLS was updated.
