Spectrum WebApp login fails and shows the following:
Request processing failed. Please refer the tomcat log for more details.
..Not able to reach OneClick Webapp. Process might be stopped. Please start the Spectrum WebTomcat Process and re-launch
When running "ps -ef | grep -i webtomcat" there is a webtomcat process running.
The $SPECROOT/webtomcat/logs/catalina.out does not show any indication of a problem.
There is no $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing.log which is a problem. There should be a webswing.log file.
Spectrum OneClick Server 10.x and later
The installer did not unzip the webswing.zip file due to OS limitations/permissions. Since it didn't extract, there was no webswing folder and therefore no webapp configuration. Review the $SPECROOT/Install-Tools/LOGS/"release"/postinst* file. See if there is an error in regards to unzipping the webswing.zip. For example:
webtomcatinstall: New tomcat installation
webtomcatinstall: unzipping the webswing zip file
Install-Tools/postinst_engine: line 1904: unzip: command not found
webtomcatinstall: copying the spectrum.war to webswing webapps
cp: cannot stat ‘/spectrum/webtomcat/webswing/spectrum.war’: No such file or directory
This is what you should see:
webtomcatinstall: New tomcat installation
webtomcatinstall: unzipping the webswing zip file
Archive: C:/win32app/Spectrum/webtomcat/webswing.zip
If there is an error about unzipping the webswing.zip file, then you need to manually configure the WebApp
Unzip the $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing.zip file:
Then copy the $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webswing/spectrum.war to $SPECROOT/webtomcat/webapps folder.
Stop Spectrum WebTomcat if running - from $SPECROOT/webtomcat/bin - ./stopWebTomcat.sh
Start Spectrum WebTomcat - from $SPECROOT/webtomcat/bin - ./startWebTomcat.sh