Super Package - cdm - how to delete the threshold settings which were configured before
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Super Package - cdm - how to delete the threshold settings which were configured before


Article ID: 143049


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


I'm have a package to deploy my CDM template to my servers 

I did remove the minor (Yellow) alarms from the template but this alarms still showing up on the console 


<fixed_default> overwrite

   active = yes

   qos_disk_usage = yes

   qos_disk_usage_perc = yes

   percent = yes

   qos_inode_usage = yes

   qos_inode_usage_perc = yes

   inode_percent = yes

   nfs_space_check = no

   delta_calculate_all = no

   qos_disk_delta = no

   <error> overwrite

      active = yes

      threshold = 10

      message = DiskError


   <DiskError> overwrite

      text = Average ($value_number samples) disk free on $drive is now $value$unit, which is below the error threshold ($value_limit$unit) out of total size $size_gb GB

      level = critical

      token = disk_error

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.avrg_drive_diskfree_below_err_threshold

      subsystem = 


   <DiskWarning> overwrite

      text = Average ($value_number samples) disk free on $drive is now $value$unit, which is below the warning threshold ($value_limit$unit) out of total size $size_gb GB

      level = minor

      token = disk_warning

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.avrg_drive_diskfree_below_warn_threshold


   <DiskMissing> overwrite

      text = Local file system $filesys is not available

      level = critical

      token = disk_missing

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.local_filesys_not_avl


   <DiskMounted> overwrite

      text = Network disk $drive ($disk) is not mounted

      level = major

      token = disk_mounted

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.network_disk_not_mounted


    <BootAlarm> overwrite

      text = $check_name: Computer has been rebooted at $boot_time

      level = critical

      subsystem = 1.1.1

      token = boot_alarm

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.comp_reboot


   <InternalAlarm> overwrite

      text = $check_name: $situation ($error)

      level = major

      subsystem = 1.1.1

      token = internal_alarm

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.situation_err


   <IostatError> overwrite

      text = $iostat_name on $device is now $value$unit, which is >= error threshold ($value_limit$unit)

      level = major

      token = iostat_error

      i18n_token = as#system.cdm.iostat_value_above_err_threshold

      subsystem =


    <disk> overwrite

   interval = 5 min

   samples = 1

   use_systemspace = no

   ignore_filesystem = /run/user*|/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/*|/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/*|/var/lib/docker/containers/*|/dev/vx*|/mnt*|/mount*|/dev/shm*|/sys/fs/cgroup*|*tmpfs*|/proc*|/tmp*|/media|/var/lib/docker/overlay*|/var/lib/kubelet/*

   ignore_device = 

   <alarm> overwrite

      active = yes

  <connections> clear


      <fixed> clear



   <fixed_default> overwrite

      active = yes

      qos_disk_usage = yes

      qos_disk_usage_perc = yes

      qos_disk_total_size = yes

      percent = yes

      qos_inode_usage = no

      qos_inode_usage_perc = no

      inode_percent = yes

      nfs_space_check = yes

      delta_calculate_all = no

      qos_disk_delta = no

      <error> overwrite

         active = yes

         threshold = 10

         message = DiskError


    <inode_error> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 10

         message = InodeError


      <inode_warning> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 20

         message = InodeWarning


      <missing> overwrite

         active = yes

         message = DiskMissing


      <delta_error> overwrite

         active = yes

         threshold = 200

         message = DeltaError


      <delta_warning> overwrite

         active = no

         threshold = 8

         message = DeltaWarning





How to fix it ?




Release : 9.2.0

Component : UIM - DISTSRV


Please add the keyword delete to remove the disk warning threshold and deploy the template and check the statements below:

<warning> delete
               active = yes
               threshold = 20
               message = DiskWarning

You can do the same for other metrics

This will delete the threshold settings which were configured before.