Error PAM-CMN-0020: Error occurred while trying to complete request. (76) when importing a user to CA PAM
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Error PAM-CMN-0020: Error occurred while trying to complete request. (76) when importing a user to CA PAM


Article ID: 142978


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM) CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA)


We are trying to add an LDAP user to PAM by adding it to an  LDAP group an importing it to the appliance.

However, when refreshing the LDAP group, the following error messages are obtained.

PAM-LDAP-0018: Error adding user <DN of user being imported>

PAM-CMN-0020: Error occurred while trying to complete request. (76)

And the user is not imported.


CA PRIVILEGED ACCESS MANAGEMENT it affects any PAM release as of April 2023


This may be caused by an error in one of the LDAP user attributes to be inserted into the CA PAM database tables. For instance, if the phone number to be inserted is longer than the 30 characters reserved for it (See Article 264021), or if there is any other type of anomaly in the data passed from LDAP


Review the attributes of the LDAP user being imported. Reduce length of some of the longer attributes (e.g. phone number, name...) or eliminate other possible causes of errors like special characters, etc.