Running the Config Tool with CA Web Viewer 12.1 for DRAS/CCI Settings
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Running the Config Tool with CA Web Viewer 12.1 for DRAS/CCI Settings


Article ID: 142963


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


The manual does not include details of running the config tool. 


Release : 12.1



Running the configtool  Your DRAS license server(s) must be up and running with the LMP key applied on the LPAR where it is running.



Config Tool Settings:

  • [CCI <Common Communications Interface> Server]
      Specify the name or IP address of LPAR where CCISSL is running
  • [CCI <Common Communications Interface> Port]
      Specify the port CCISSL is listening on (check the output of the CCISSL task to find this information.)
  • [CCI <Common Communications Interface> Client System ID]
       Enter an 8 character name for the Web Viewer server that is unique in the first 8 characters.  This is not a network name.  It is a label name that you create.
  • [CCISSL SSLConnection]
    Select Defer decision to use SSL to host

          “0” (zero) for no, “1” for yes.

 Enabling this option also forces on the option for Force secure connection from Client to Host. Requires end-to-end SSL for all CCI requests, including routing across hosts. This indicates that SSL is required by the Client. If the Server does not support SSL, the connection request fails. This setting is applicable if the target CCI server is on a different LPAR than the referenced DRAS tasks. If DRAS the tasks are on a different LPAR, SSL.ForceSecureTransport=1 requires SSL between CCI tasks on a different LPAR; otherwise, the connection fails.
The default setting is “0”.

  • Protocol=[SSLv3|TLSv2]

This protocol setting must be compatible with the mainframe CCISSL task's setting for PROT. The default setting is “TLSv2”.

  • SSLPPATH=config

Do not edit. This will resolve to $CAOMWV12_HOME/config.

  • SSLKeyWord=

This is the password for KeyStore file and (if applicable) the private certificate password. If you are using a client end user certificate, the KeyStore password must match the private key password. 
Note: This field supports plain text and encrypted passwords.  The CA OM Web Viewer configuration tool will encrypt this value.


Please NOTE: That DRAS discovery returns a list of your DRAS servers that are accessible and up and running.  That is not shown in the screen shots above.
The database configuration was not shown.  This will vary according to your database.

Additional Information

For CA Certificates (Certificate Authority), please see

Create Keystore files for CAICCI Secure Connection with TLS