Need z/OS OPEN SVC Zaps
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Need z/OS OPEN SVC Zaps


Article ID: 142923


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Disk Backup and Restore - MVS DISK BACKUP AND RESTORE



I am installing z/OS 2.3, running CADISK Version 12.5 and need operating system hooks for the following modules.


Each of these is at base level, no ptfs have been applied on them.


Release : 12.5

Component : CA Disk Backup and Restore


PTF SO09366 makes a significant improvement in installing or updating the CA Disk OPEN SVCs.
The previous process required that you update the four USERMODs (USERMOD2, USERMODH, USERMODJ, USERMODI) 
with the AMASPZAP logic provided in PTFs for the level of the z/OS modules you have installed 
(IFG0194E, IFG0196W, IFG0201R, IGGDAU01).
With PTF SO09366 applied, we have simplified the method of installing the SVC zaps. 
The Zap JCL (Usermod) and zap will be contained in the same member located in the CCUWJCL library. 
You will not have to add in any prerequisites or copy the zap statements into the zap JCL.
The only change you may have to make is if the CA Disk SVC number you are using is not the default of 244 (x'F4'). 
If not 244, you must adjust the zaps, for SVC 245 for example, change 0AF4 to 0AF5, within the body of the zap itself.

Additional Information

The following are the CCUWJCL members to use for z/OS 2.3 and 2.4:
z/OS Level  Module    CCUWJCL Member
z/OS 2.4    IFG0194E  Z240194E
            IFG0196W  Z240196W
            IFG0201R  Z240201R
            IGGDAU01  Z240AU01
z/OS Level  Module    CCUWJCL Member
z/OS 2.3    IFG0194E  Z230194E
            IFG0196W  Z230196W
            IFG0201R  Z230201R
            IGGDAU01  Z230AU01

Please contact CA Tech Support if any questions.