Is there a way to monitor if the SDM PDMExport servlet is working?
CA Service Desk Manager 17.x
1. Using SOAP, initiate a login call to CA SDM
2. Use the SID from the login call above to get a bopsid using getBopsid SOAP call
3. Use the bopsid (with in 5 seconds) to login and test an export by using a URL like the one below.
Note: Replace URLs with the CA SDM Tomcat port and bopsid value from above call|Option+List&columns=sym|Option|FACTORY_LINK|yes|app_name|Application||yes|action_status|Status||yes|description|Description||yes|&definition=1001&url='Call+Service+Desk'&domset=option_list&features=directories%3Dno%2Clocation%3Dno%2Ctop%3D300px%2Cleft%3D300px%2Cmenubar%3Dno%2Cstatus%3Dno%2Cheight%3D300%2Cwidth%3D450
4. The above call creates an export of CA SDM's Administration Options Manager folder called Call Service Desk (about 3 records)
Ensure that the Excel file got generated properly