Spectrum log shows CORBA::COMM_FAILURE - createTcpListenerSocket. For example:
Jan 09 09:20:45 ERROR TRACE at CsCorbaMgr.cc(864): Exception: CORBA::COMM_FAILURE
Explanation: Occurred at createTcpListenerSocket
Minor: 1330446434
Completion Status: NO
minor code 1330446434
Attempting to bind connection port 0xbafe
Retry number 28 in 30 seconds.
Release : 10.x
Component : Spectrum Applications
CORBA thread is hung
Stop all Spectrum processes including processd:
Navigate to $SPECROOT/bin and use the ./stopSS.pl script to stop the SpectroSERVER and ArchMgr.
Once complete, on Windows, restart the Spectrum Process Daemon Service.
On linux, naviage to $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM and run:
./processd.pl stop
./processd.pl start
Navigate back to $SPECROOT/bin and run ./startSS.pl to restart the SpectroSERVER and Archive Manager