Recommended SMP/e changes when using RECEIVE ORDER for multiple products in a single CSI?
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Recommended SMP/e changes when using RECEIVE ORDER for multiple products in a single CSI?


Article ID: 142769


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ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC Top Secret Compliance Event Manager Data Content Discovery COMMON SERVICES FOR Z/OS


Sites may have multiple products installed in a single CSI GLOBAL zone and want to run SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval for only certain products, how can this be done?




Release : 16.0
Component : CA ACF2 for z/OS


Sites that have multiple products in a single CSI when using SMP/E Internet Service Retrieval can use the FORTGTZONES operand on the RECEIVE ORDER command which allows a site to specify specific target zone(s) in order to limit the scope of that software inventory(PTFS) request. Or, insure that the SMPPTS has enough space to accommodate software inventory(PTFS) requests for the products installed in the CSI.

For details on the FORTGTZONES operand see IBM SMP/E for z/OS Commands SA23-2275-01, Section: "FORTGTZONES"

For an example internet service retrieval request with the FORTGTZONES operand see: "Example 8: Issuing an internet service retrieval request".