Rally: HP ALM - Could not find Rally WorkProduct with FormattedID - error seen when WorkProduct not in a project listed in the config file
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Rally: HP ALM - Could not find Rally WorkProduct with FormattedID - error seen when WorkProduct not in a project listed in the config file


Article ID: 142737


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise


HP ALM WIC connector: When a WorkProduct is being linked to an artifact in Rally, the following error was seen:

"Could not find Rally WorkProduct with FormattedID"

This occurred because the WorkProduct being linked was not in the list of projects contained in the config file.




Release : SAAS



It is possible to link artifacts from other projects when performing a copy or update on a Test from HP ALM.  To do this use the following syntax (of course you will replace the project names for yours.) in the <RallyConnection> Section.:


The project listed first will be the project the Test Cases will be created in.  If you have user stories in other projects you would like to link to, it will be necessary to list them in the projects section.

For further information, please see the "Map TS_LINKED_REQ AND BG_LINKED_REQ SECTION of this link: https://techdocs.broadcom.com/content/broadcom/techdocs/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/agile-development-and-management/rally-platform-ca-agile-central/rally/integrating-top/connectors/defect-management/hp-quality-center/quality-center-installation-user-guide.html