Creating, Sending and FTPing a z/OS Dump to Broadcom Support
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Creating, Sending and FTPing a z/OS Dump to Broadcom Support


Article ID: 142671


Updated On:


Trusted Access Manager for Mainframe ACF2 Compliance Manager for z/OS Data Content Discovery Top Secret Auditor for z/OS ACF2 - DB2 Option



Section 1: Why is a z/OS dump necessary?
Section 2: What kind of z/OS dump should I get?
Section 3: How do I set a slip?
Section 4: How do I get a z/OS console dump?
Section 5: How do I terse a z/OS dump?
Section 6: How do FTP a z/OS dump to Broadcom Support?


Release : All
Component : All Mainframe Security Components


Section 1: Why is a dump necessary? 

A dump is necessary because it presents a picture of the system at the time of the abend. It tells us exactly what parameters are set, and what is wrong.

Section 2: What kind of dump should I get?

You should get an unformatted SVC dump. CA-Roscoe problems cannot be diagnosed with an ABEND-AID dump or a SYSUDUMP. Please turn ABEND-AID off by adding a

//ABNLIGNR DD DUMMY statement to your Roscoe procedure

z/OS dumps are Record format FBS, Record length.4160 Block size 24960. 

Section 3: How do I set a slip? 

A slip may be needed to indicate to the system what events you want trapped, and what the system is wanted to do with those events. Sites can specify the system to get a dump, or even ignore the events. As required Broadcom Support will provide a slip trap to get a dump. The slip command is discussed fully in the IBM System Commands Manual. 


Section 4: How do I get a console dump? 

Under certain situations, sites may be asked to take a console dump of a task’s address space. When taking a console dump, use the "DUMP" command which dumps all of virtual storage. You may refer to the IBM System Commands Manual for full instructions and options.

The following command can be used:

DUMP COMM(variable text)

Section 5: How do I terse a dump? 

Tersing a dump is simply compressing the dump data set. The terse utility is especially useful to compress not only dump data sets but also variable blocked data sets.

AMATERSE is the IBM utility program to compress and decompress data exchanged using anonymous File Transfer Protocol (FTP) from your workstation. It is especially useful when transmitting variable blocked data sets.

The compressed dataset (produced by SPACK) must be of fixed or fixed blocked record format (RECFM) with a record length (LRECL) of 1024 and any legal block size (BLKSIZE).NOTE: These values do not have to be specified on the DD statement and will default to the correct values.

SPACE CONSIDERATIONS: When allocating space for the OUTFILE dataset for either the PACK or UNPACK option, some thought must be given since the required size information is not known to the TRSMAIN program. A compressed dataset can be expected to be about 1/2 the size of the original. It is best to allocate more space than expected and use the RLSE sub-parameter of the SPACE parameter to release the unused portion back to the system.


//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                         
//SYSUT1 DD DISP=SHR,DSN=sys1.D190723.DUMP   
// SPACE=(CYL,(800,70),RLSE),                  
// DSN=myuser.DUMP.TERSE 

NOTE: The SPACK option is more time-consuming than the PACK option by a factor of about three, but in many cases produces much smaller output.


Section 6: How do FTP a z/OS dump to Broadcom Support?

The following JCL can be used to FTP a dump to the Broadcom Server SUPPORTFTP.BROADCOM.COM. Change [email protected] to your Support Online userid and password to your Support Online password. Change 0222222 below to your site’s Broadcom siteid and change 33333333 to your site’s current Case number.


//SYSPRINT  DD  SYSOUT=*                                   
//OUTPUT    DD  SYSOUT=*                                   
//INPUT     DD  *                                                                     
[email protected]
cd /
PUT 'myuser.DUMP.TERSE' myuser.dump.TRS

Additional Information

IBM: Specifying the JCL statements for AMATERSE